We have a new baby in our family. Her name is Billie Sue. She has a six-year old big sister and her parents are my thirty-something niece and her wife. These two millennial women are wonderful moms. They are also tech savvy, widely connected through social media, creative, amazing entrepreneurial women. Their road to conceiving a child was not simple, some might say unconventional, and I admire them greatly for pursing their dream of becoming moms. The fact is, I adore my niece. In her pre-school years she would come and spend a week with me. We would bake cookies and play dolls and my sons were insanely jealous of her back then. That she has become such an incredible woman does not surprise me at all.
I have two other nieces who are in their twenties and are also incredible. I adore them as well. One just graduated from a prestigious law school and is keeping her fingers crossed that she passed the bar exam. She is smart as a whip and will be an awesome attorney. She is also funny and makes me laugh at her quirky antics. Her younger sister is a senior in college, majoring in English and well on her way to becoming a writer. This niece is very social, has tons of friends and a heart of gold. In May for her 21st birthday we all went dancing...my nieces, my sisters and me. What a blast!
Today it is the grace of having nieces and now great-nieces for which I am most grateful. Generation after generation of Montgomery women who are amazing!