On Sunday I was keenly aware of God's presence as I was preaching, presiding at the Altar and in our FISHing conversations after church. During the week God's presence has been felt in times of pastoral care, meetings with staff and supervision with our seminarian. I also felt God's presence while walking our dog, talking with my sister, and making an apple pie for Joe. And I am convinced that without my sabbath day on Mondays I could not be as tuned into God's presence throughout the week. This spiritual practice of making Mondays my sabbath started ten years ago. It took some time to acclimate my body and soul to a day of rest and it still does especially when I'm revved up from Sunday. What helps is being out in our country cottage, if only for 24 hours. Which is where we were this past Monday.
Late morning Joe is out cutting the grass while I relax in the hammock (not exactly fair but he's okay with it!). Our cottage, a former school house, is in a valley and early morning fog had obscured the mountains. But by late morning the fog is lifting and the sun beginning to shine. Psalm 121 comes to mind, "I lift up my eyes to the hills; from where is my help to come? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth." I need this reminder. I need to remember the grace of these words. God is omnipresent. I am never alone and it's not all up to me!