In search of a new place to walk our dog, Ruby, we found ourselves one morning at Gravelly Point. Located just a few hundred feet from the north-end of the runway at Regan National Airport, this is a great spot for dog walking and plane watching. After taking a long walk along the Potomac, we make our way back to the runway and stand there watching plane after plane take off. I am mesmerized not only by the thunderous noise overhead but by the ability of that huge aircraft to move off the runway and up into the air with seemingly such ease. Knowing virtually nothing about aerodynamics, I’m sure it’s all scientifically explainable but I still find it amazing that an airplane can fly. Loaded with people crammed into those tiny seats with a cargo bin filled with luggage, it looks as though the plane is somehow carried away by the wind. And I love this image. With grace and ease and power and might that huge jetliner bursts into the air, carrying all those people to new destinations, new experiences, and perhaps even new adventures.
Standing here watching these planes take off makes me think about the church—specifically St. Andrew’s Church. This summer has been a busy one in getting ready for our church to take off in the fall. Day, our Christian Formation Consultant, was brought on board. John, our new Parish Secretary, was hired to help. David, our seminarian, is eager to begin his ministry with us. We’ve been interviewing musicians. Bob was elected Senior Warden. Priscilla is coordinating Congregational Care and Ruth is taking on Outreach. And knowing that God would have us grow this church and restore it to vitality the Vestry of St. Andrew’s has been diligent in making decisions to unify this parish.
You’ll read more about these exciting changes inside this newsletter but be forewarned you may feel a bit like sitting on the runway waiting for take-off. You’re buckled in, the engines are revved up, the propellers are spinning, and the plane is picking up speed. The way I see it, the momentum in this place for moving forward is great. Wonderful opportunities await us as we grow and become more fully the church God would have us to be. But we don’t do so with our own power. We do so with the wonder working power of the Holy Spirit, under girding us with wisdom and vision and hope and courage.
It may look like being the church of St. Andrew’s simply happens but it takes many people using their many gifts and much prayer to fly. Please know how very grateful I am to be your new Rector. As one who loves to travel I can’t wait to see what new destinations, new experiences, and perhaps even new adventures await us as we journey together in mission and ministry!